Have we chosen idealism at last and is it a good thing?

Raphaelle Beguinel
5 min readJun 19, 2017


French presidential elections will have encouraged people to debate, communicate, talk to each other and not necessarily with people who share the same opinion or values.

Macron won and it is a good thing for everyone, even for those who do not think so today. No one can tell yet if the country’s situation will improve significantly enough over the next five years but, at least, we did not fall on the dark side of History this time. No one can tell either if unemployment will concern less people or if the ecological turn we wish for will really be enforced. But this election tells something about us, French people.

We chose to believe, we chose optimism over pessimism and anger, most of us at least. This is something we should rejoice about and realize it isn’t a given but something we need to fight for more and more.

When I say these presidential elections enabled more communication and in-depth conversations it did so, for me, especially within my own family and with my friends. On the 9th of May, following Macron’s victory, I had a great conversation with my grand-mother.

She is a extremely intelligent, bright and I admire her deeply. I love talking to her and listening to her remembering youth and travel memories. During our conversation following the French presidential elections, she told me how much she had loved being active about world peace and idealist at her time when everything needed to be rebuilt after WWII. Throughout the conversation we came to realize that my generation, I am born in 1991, was probably much closer to idealism than people born in the 70’s and now around 35/40. Seeking experiences, dreams and needing meaning in our professional lives was what drove her generation and is what is driving a lot of people my age.

Buying services and goods, buying a vacations house when possible, these aren’t that much goals anymore, at least for a lot of people of 30 and under. When I offer gifts I prefer offering experiences such as a trip, a day in a special place, theater tickets. But not a watch or a top that much because they will not create a lot of memories. Spending time with the ones we love will create priceless ones and that is what I am aiming it these days.

My grand-mother thought the same, telling me how she was nicely surprised these days by how nice young people could be in the street when they saw her not always walking very firmly on the sidewalk. They say hello, come to see her, ask her if they can help. It changed compared to a few years ago she told me and it fills her heart with joy.

After our conversation I thought about idealism quite a bit. It is beautiful but somehow it also scares me because it is almost sacred, so high in the sky you will never be able to reach what you idealize. It is scary, it can become frustrating but it also drives you.

After thinking about it, I also realized I didn’t feel that much the need to praise idealism, which so many people do and do well, but rather warn about the “dark side” of it.

Idealism can be tricky and I have discovered I am careful about it. This makes me think about a lot of people, among whom some of my friends and colleagues, who voted Melenchon and strongly believe in him. Many many people were attracted to him and his political party because he spoke so much about idealism, about fighting, about resisting and confronting the rich and powerful decision makers of France, Europe and the world in order to shape a better and more equal society. Few people do not wish this when it is presented as such but several aspects of his speech caught my attention. What better than bullet points to present them?

  1. Watch out for disappointment
  2. Do not forget your critical mind along the way
  3. Idealism does not cut off power craving

Idealism can hide a lot of what reality is about. When I think about idealism and how politicians, people with any type of power, or just people wanting to believe in something bigger than themselves talk about it I cannot help but doubt what they are saying. I think about when they will be disappointed or themselves disappointing other people. Yes, I know, disappointment isn’t necessarily bad for you, it is necessary, it is what life is about etc etc But why climb so high if you are going to be rushed down after? Why didn’t you climb less high but just enough to reach ambitious but somehow attainable goals? Your dreams wouldn’t be smashed down, they wouldn’t depend on promises by so and so but on you. Just you.

I know this is a bit of a caricature but you get the idea, I hope.

The “proper” idealism is also about not losing your critical mind along the way. Dreams, beautiful ideas, ideals such as Justice, Beauty, what is Right, Love, they are powerful arguments in a speech. What can you say to someone who has based its speech on these ideals? Of course, I agree, these are good values and ideas you need to fight for. But will you agree with this person on the means and the processes to strive for them? And are you sure you mean the same thing by Justice or what is Right? Maybe we should all think twice as much as we take too much for granted too much that these ideals have only one meaning but this is so wrong… Just be careful along the way of idealism.

Last, amongst people talking about idealism and ideals, quite a few use them in their quest for power. I am not talking only about politicians, it can be anyone. It is so easy to use ideals and make people dream. They will support you so much more if you make them believe they will get closer to these ideals with you, by being with you, by supporting you. I am sure a lot of us use idealism and ideals to serve our interests too often and we should do it less, much less.

So what is my point? That after all, I do not agree that much with my grand-mother or, more, that I do not wish for us to become too idealistic? It is more the second option but I will be more specific. I do not wish for us to become too idealistic but it is of course a good thing to be dreaming and striving for these unattainable goals. They will get us futher and in everyday life we can see they are the motivation for many great initiatives. Just be awake and wide awake these days for things to happen on the right side of History.



Raphaelle Beguinel

Fiction writer and founder of www.jesuisauteur.com. 1st novel soon to be published. 1st publication accessible here https://bit.ly/39IW6W8 (& Head of Marketing)